We have a vibrant youth ministry, which promises to engage young men and women to becoming ‘Christ-like disciples engaging the world’ as they transition into adulthood.
Hekalu (est. 8th November, 2003) is an amazing teens service that runs con-currently with the 2nd English Service from 10:30am – 12:00pm, every Sunday in the Youth Sanctuary.
We focus on three pillars to engage the attendees;
- Spiritual Growth: Through uniquely crafted services with relevant sung worship and sermons;
- Discipleship and Mentoring: Through gender-based groups known as 3D (Daughters of Divine Destiny) for the girls and Man Enough for the boys;
- Community Engagement: We identify various institutions in need and we address them to the best of our ability for example donations, clean ups, painting and much more. These three areas are also focal points for our other activities like camps, family movie nights and concerts;
- Spiritual Growth: Through uniquely crafted services with relevant sung worship and sermons;
In this ministry we have identified unique and important transitions bracket. We different age groups address their different needs together with great facilitators from the Karura Community Chapel congregation. The different brackets are:
- Junction: A transition class between Kisima Champions (Children Ministry) and Hekalu for 11 – 12 year olds. It caters for children who are at crossroads as they transition from Children Ministry but are not ready for ROPES and Hekalu as yet.
- ROPES (Rites of Passage Experiences): An annual program catering for 13–14year olds as they transition from childhood into adolescence. ROPES classes help them navigate throughout this transition successfully. Parents also walk through this one year program with their teens.
- Ex-Candidates: This is our newest venture in the youth ministry to the teens. It is a group that we connect with as the teens move from adolescence into young adulthood. After high school education they are expected to make important life decisions including their careers and future life.
The Unit (est. 6th July, 2014) is an amazing service for Young Adults that runs concurrently with the 1st English Service from 8:30am – 10:00am, every Sunday in the Youth Sanctuary.
It captures transition from tertiary education into one’s career and finally settling down into adulthood. We focus on three pillars to engage with attendees in this ministry namely