Momentum 2021- Back To Basics


Back To Basics

The 2021 theme for Momentum was simply ‘Reset.’ Recent times have been trying with a global pandemic taking its toll on the world.  This was a moment for the body of Christ to step up; to fill in the gap and lead by example through virtuous living, stewarding the Christ’s ideals that are the backbone of our faith. Unfortunately, we as Christians have let ourselves down slightly. Digital impurity in Kenya and across the globe has created a vicious circle around the globe, one that has sprung from misconceptions about Christ and further tainting our understanding of Him. We have defied the Lord we claim to worship. We have disgraced his holy name by our unholy lives. Yes, we believe he is the Savior. We are Christians, not pagans. But our beliefs are not strong enough to produce righteous lifestyles. This was not the time for us to drop the ball, not only in regards to our larger most important mission on earth, which is to win souls for Christ through modelling how he lives (righteously, honestly, filled with the Holy Spirit), but for our personal relationships with Jesus.

We have let the world dilute the message of Christ in our souls. No longer insidious, the message of the Good News is now overtly being misconstrued in our homes, in our churches, and in our everyday lives. It was time to take a step back and re-evaluate what we had become and what we needed to do as the body of Christ to revert course. A Reset was needed. Momentum 2021 was a call for us to simply go back to the basics; to ask ourselves the real raw questions and choose again to try and make a change. We do not have to be trapped in sin; another path is available to those who are trapped. This is a path of redemption and revival.

The programmes run through Momentum focused on two key aspects. Repentance and Walking in Obedience. Biblical repentance is a profound understanding of the seriousness of our sin and the magnitude of offense it caused the Creator, followed by a deep resolution to heal, to start the process of rehabilitation and a complete reversal of direction that our forgiving Savior longs to give us. Obedience means unconditional submission to Jesus as Lord as well as Savior. It means a Reset in the biblical reality of the church as community. It means a Reset in all our spheres of influence.

Our aim is to challenge people to reset how they think about their area of calling to the mind of Christ whilst changing their attitude towards the problems we face in Africa, determining how we live and how to tackle them. Furthermore, Momentum focused on us changing our ways; in short, a hard Reset on how we live and respond in our spheres of influence.