Karura Community Centre


Karura Community Centre is a brain child of Karura Community Chapel;

  1. Formed in 2008, when an influx of IDP’s prompted Karura Chapel leadership to establish a separate not for profit entity to manage and coordinate humanitarian and development activities
  2. A faith based and non-governmental organization
  3. Seeks to extend the reach of Karura Chapel through outreach programs and activities that cause transformation within the greater Karura community.

Vision: Transformed Lives; Transforming the World.

Mission: To engage, equip and enable the local church to become an agent of spiritual, social, economic and physical transformation in the community God has placed it in.

Tumaini Scholarship and Mentorship Program:

This is Karura Centre’s flagship program established in 2011

  • It currently provides scholarship support to about 75 High school
    students and 1 university student
  • Provides mentorship and life skills training for all the scholars
  • Endeavors to be a life transforming experience for all the scholars,
    their families and their community

Areas of partnership:

  • Support the Program financially- Adopt a student as an individual,
    family, Community Life Group (CLG) or Corporate
  • Volunteer to be a mentor and participate in our mentorship events
    during school holidays in April, August and November
  • Consistently pray for the ministry
  • Assist in planning for mentorship, life skills training, examiners forum,
    career fairs among other organized events
  • Volunteer a day to visit a student in school or at home
  • Offer counselling services to students that need them
  • Link us to an organization or company that can help us support these
    children and youth.


Uzima Wellness Program

Uzima offers opportunities for the sick and ailing with little or no
access to medical care within the greater Karura community to
receive such care
– Organizes an annual Medical Camp as well as specialized camps
that provide first line medical care to the community, and onward
medical referrals

Other outreach activities such as blood donation drives, mental
health talks and awareness, wellness checks, community health talks
and empowerment initiatives, deworming and sanitary towels
– Deals with day to day medical cases that come to the attention of the
organization as well as NHIF registration for the elderly and those
with chronic illnesses

Areas of partnership:
– Support the program financially
– Be part of the Uzima planning team
– Pray for the Uzima Program consistently
– Support our fundraising initiatives financially or in-kind
– Volunteer your skills as a doctor/nurse, or partner with us as a
hospital, in the Uzima Medical Camps and referrals
– Partner and offer subsidized rates at a health care facility
– Volunteer your car/lorry/pick up van/bus for deliveries and
transportation of patients during the medical camps
– Volunteer to assist in the various departments during our events
Donate drugs, medical supplies and other in-kind items for the
Medical Camps
– Link us to an organization or company that can partner with us in
supporting our Uzima wellness program


KYSA (Karura Youth Sports Association)

This is our sports development and outreach program.
– KYSA believes in and uses sports as an effective programmatic tool
to help achieve goals in health, education, gender equality,
HIV/AIDS, reduction of crime, child protection and child development.
– It links sports with social improvement and community development
activities such as tree planting, community garbage cleanups and
character development among children and youth.
– Uses soccer as an innovative way to help evangelize to the youth,
build their character and help them improve the communities around
them while also providing holistic mentorship activities
– Additionally, KYSA offers Ubabalo Training that is a character
development and transformation initiative for our players
– Through partnership with the Simama na Binti Initiative (sanitary
towels program), KYSA supports girls in the schools visited by
providing sanitary towels, sharing the love of Christ and helping them
stay in school
– Currently KYSA operates in 6 zones and 13 schools under different
age categories
Areas of partnership:
– Support the program financially
– Purchase of balls, whistles, cones, kits among other items
– Pray for the ministry consistently
– Assist in our weekly sports activities- first aid, referee, cheering,
recording scores, etc
– Participate in clean-ups and tree planting activities
– Volunteer to teach a lesson and activity on good character to a team
during the week or weekend
– Support the Simama na Binti (Sanitary Towels) initiative either in-kind
or financially
– Sponsor a team to the December Championship
– Be part of the KYSA planning committee
– Link us to an organization or company that can partner with us in
supporting our KYSA youth and teams

Karura Youth Sports Association

MED (Micro-Enterprise Development) Program

This program seeks to empower the less privileged so that they can
be able to earn a livelihood. The beneficiaries are taken through
business training and given some capital to start them off. They are
also assigned a mentor to walk with them in their business journey.
Our goal is to help small business owners (or aspiring owners) to run
their businesses efficiently, and thus earn a living to get them out of
Areas of partnership:
– Support the program financially
– Be part of the business trainers
– Participate in the review of the training curriculum
– Mentor a startup business
– Be part of the MED planning team
– Regularly pray for the program
– Link us with organizations that can partner in the initiative

Prisons Ministry

The prisons ministry has been in existence for over a decade. The
ministry aims at giving hope to the inmates and also molding their
character. We are currently reaching out to 25 prison institutions in
Nairobi, Rift Valley, Eastern and Central regions
– Activities done include guidance and counselling, Integration of
prisoners after release, Mediation and reconciliation of families,
discipleship programs on weekdays and Sunday services
– The prisoners are also assisted with physical needs such as tissues
paper, soap, tooth brush and paste, clothes (remandees), sanitary
towels, undergarments, shaving machines, sanitizers and
Fumigation services

Areas of partnership:
– Financially support the program
– Direct participation- service leading, preaching, counselling,
discipleship class facilitation, mediation,
– Offering transport for the team going to minister
– Provision of toiletries; buying tissues, tooth paste and brushes,
sanitary pads,
– Donating clothes and shoes, farm tools, writing materials.
– Be part of the planning committee

Prison Ministry

Rehabs Ministry

  • The Rehabs ministry reaches out to members of the community
    battling addiction and residing in rehabilitation centers. The ministry
    aims at giving hope to the individuals and also molding their
    character. We are currently reaching out to 5 rehabilitation centers
    within our community
  • Activities done include discipleship programs, sharing of the word,
    moral support as well as guidance and counselling

Areas of partnership:

  • Financially support the program
  • Direct participation- service leading, preaching, counselling,
    discipleship class facilitation
  • Offering transport for the team going to minister
  • Be part of the planning committee